Hi everyone. It's Erin, a Kindergarten teacher from Indiana and Michelle, a 1st Grade teacher from Indiana. Our school was one of four schools in our district selected to pilot an intervention/enrichment block using RtI. This is our first year doing so; therefore, it is all new to us. Most of the staff has had some form of RtI training at some point before school began. Which equals out to mean that we are all "learning as we go". Since this is a new concept for our school, we decided to create this blog as a place for our grade levels to collaborate ideas on intervention strategies and lessons and communicate about positive and negative things going on in our intervention/enrichment groups. We decided to focus on just Kindergarten and 1st Grade to begin with since these are the grades that we teach and because it is these two grades that our corporation decided to focus on during the pilot year. Hopefully, this blog with provide a centralized communication place for our staff to work together to make the intervention/enrichment block time a success for our school!