School Motto

Farrington Grove Tigers! Where the Best Become Better!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Assessment Week/New Group Placement

Monday through Wednesday of this week focused on a 3-Minute Reading Assessment for all 1st Graders.  Each teacher used the Intervention Block and part of their Reading Block to assess students on fluency and comprehension skills.  Title 1 teachers covered the classrooms so the teachers could pull students one at time to assess them without distractions.  Once these assessments were completed, the teachers met to group students according to their fluency percentage, fluency automaticity, and teacher observation.  This was definitely not an easy task!  We worked for 3 hours on student placement as well as making intervention lesson plans for all groups.  I will post what each group is working on soon! 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Intervention Break Week

This week all of our intervetion/enrichment groups are taking a break. The Title 1 teachers had meetings at different times and Halloween parties are going to get in the way - plus several grades wanted to regroup.I thought I would take a few minutes to explain how kindergarten groups are set up...for anyone who doesn't already know.
   Most Intensive Group
*4 classroom teachers in one classroom with approximately 6 students each focusing on 5 -10 letters.
     Letter assessment is done each Friday.

*1 assistant in this classroom working with the many students who are still unable to write their names.
   Name writing assessment each Friday.

  Next Group - Pretty Intensive Still
*1 Title One teacher and 1 assistant working with 14 students in small group on letter identification.
   Letter assessment is done each Friday.

  Next Group - Intensive....still
*1 Title One teacher and 2 assistants working with 16 students in small groups on letter identification.
  Letter assessment is done each Friday.

  Strategic Group
*1 Title One teacher and 1 assistant works with 24 students on Intensive Phonics in small groups.
  Different assessments done each Friday.

 Enrichment Group
*1 Title One teacher and 1 assistant works with 24 students on segmenting and blending words in small    groups. Different assessments done each Friday. 

Monday, October 18, 2010

1st Grade Review Week

This week, we are reviewing each of the skills and activities focused on during the last 4 weeks.  The phonics skill focus has been on the short a, short i, short o, and short u sound in the middle of words.  We have also worked on, in one or more of the intervention/enrichment groups, Sequential Phonics, sound boxes, recognizing capital & lower case letters, story comprehension, word fluency, fluency passages and locating & highlighting focus words in a passage.  At the end of each week, a dictation passage has been given to the students in the lowest intervention groups to see if the students can write all of the sounds they hear in the dictation.  The next lowest intervention groups are given a multiple choice progress monitoring on phonics skills and text structure.  The enrichment groups are given word recognition, fluency, and comprehension progress monitoring,  Next week, we will be giving a 3-Minute Assessment to each 1st Grade student to check for fluency, comprehension, word recognition and phonics.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Kindergarten Update

We ended our first round of intervention groups this week. We met several times to analyze all of the data we have collected from our progress monitoring over the past several weeks. As it turns out, we have many students misplaced in our groups. Our initial assessments used to determine grouping didn't hold true in many situations. It's very difficult to determine in the beginning weeks of school, which students are really "at risk" and which students just haven't had exposure to anything academic. Wow! We sure found out quickly. Many students who began the year recognizing zero letters now have all 26 capital and 26 lowercase mastered. I am really excited about most aspects of interventions. I really wish we didn't have to depend on other staff members to make this successful - just for the fact that groups get cancelled because of meetings and/or absences out of our control. End far, so good!

Kdg. & 1st Grade Intervention Calendar

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Intervention/Enrichment Update

 Well, we are entering into week 4 for First Grade and week 5 for Kindergarten.  Things are going o.k.  There have been some good things going on for both groups; however, there are also some minor bumps that need to be worked out.  This first 5 weeks of interventions have really been a trial and error type of thing.  The intervention block is definitely going to be a positive thing for our students once we gets things figured out (which will probably take most, if not all, of this school year).  The students seem to really like this time during each day.  Not only are they working in smaller groups, but they may be working with a different teacher and different students than they are use to.  This really keeps things interesting and fresh!